
底层数据恢复实验室 PC-3000 Express DataExtractor数据恢复设备

底层数据恢复实验室拥有PC-3000 Express DataExtractor数据恢复设备,PC3000 EXPRESS是俄罗斯ACE研发的数据恢复工具,现为业界最完善的数据恢复工具之一,备受数据恢复从事者的青睐。拥有标准接口:IDE*2个,SATA*4个,可转接CE、CF接口。可修复各种规格的硬盘,支持不同厂商的硬盘型号和多种硬盘的分区格式,能够实现多种数据恢复所需要的功能。

The PC-3000 Express is a hardware-software solution intended for diagnosing and repairing HDDs based on SATA (Serial ATA) and PATA (IDE) interfaces for numerous vendors (Seagate, Western Digital, Fujitsu, Samsung, Maxtor, Quantum, IBM (HGST), HITACHI, TOSHIBA), for various capacities (from 500 MB to 6 TB) and various form factors: 3.5″ – desktop drives, 2.5″ and 1.8″ – laptop drives.

The PC-3000 Express coupled with the Data Extractor Express forms the PC-3000 Express Professional System that enables you to recover data from SATA, and PATA (IDE) HDDs. If you wish to repair these HDDs, you need only the PC-3000 Express, and for data recovery you need both the PC-3000 Express and the Data Extractor Express.

The PC-3000 Express hardware

The new powerful PC-3000 Express is a six-port tester-board which is inserted into a PCI-Express expansion slot. Six diagnostic ports are 4 SATA ports (data transfer speed up to 133 Mb/sec) and 2 PATA ports (speed up to 100 Mb/sec). The primary ports are SATA0 and SATA1 while SATA2 and SATA3 are switchable with the PATA ports (PATA0 and PATA1). You can connect four drives to the PC-3000 Express simultaneously – two SATA drives and two SATA or PATA drives, depending on your needs. Thus, you can work either with 4 SATA drives or 2 SATA and 2 PATA at the same time.

When developing the new PC-3000 Express system we used our “know-how”, all gained experience and requests from our users who work in data recovery. As a result, we have achieved a significant increase in performance and efficiency, making this professional product the best tool for the contemporary data recovery industry.

Processing modes:
SATA x4 — UDMA133, UDMA100, UDMA66, UDMA33, PIO4, PIO3, PIO2, PIO1, PIO0
PATA x2 – UDMA100, UDMA66, UDMA33, PIO4, PIO3, PIO2, PIO1, PIO0
All ports are separable and independent. Performance is maintained almost at the same level even when all ports have simultaneous loads. This has become possible because of efficient use of hardware buffering of the data transferred from the 4 UDMA ports through the PCI-Express 4-channel bus.

The performance for four connected HDD drives

Intelligent Power Supply Unit:
Power adapter

A 4-channel Power Supply Unit is used to power the HDDs which are connected to PC-3000 Express. The Power Supply Unit protects the HDDs from overvoltage and overcurrent. In case of emergency, the HDDs will be powered off automatically. Furthermore, each channel has feedback with the PC-3000 software for monitoring the stability of +5V and +12V voltage supply and informing the user about any problems in power circuits.

The intelligent Power Supply Unit of PC-3000 Express has the following features for advanced HDD diagnostic and troubleshooting:

The oscilloscope functionality. You can get a graph visually representing the precise information about the current power status in real time.
This feature allows to perform advanced HDD diagnostic and determine the cause of failure.

Power voltage oscilloscope screen after HDD start

The Power Supply Unit is equipped with a sound speaker which signals about the PC power supply unit failure or HDD overcurrent. Triggered protection system turns off the voltage on the corresponding channel.

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